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2 Cancer / Runaway Cell Division

Runaway cell division/cancer is associated with uncontrolled growths such as cancer.

What Happens

Cell division that goes beyond normal levels can introduce illnesses like cancer.  There are some conditions where death-resistant cells that are non-cancerous also impact health. There are both strong genetic and epigenetic components. Our best strategy to avoid runaway cell division caused by (genetic and epigenetic) mutations is to ensure that cells don’t mutate and that our immune system can recognize and deal with potentially dangerous cancer states.

Reference Link:   www.sens.org/research/introduction-to-sens-research/cancerous-cells

What We Can Do

Ultimately, we want to reduce genetic and epigenetic mutations. There is some thought that longer telomeres may reduce the likelihood of cancer (there is a strong correlation but there is still ongoing research. However, we do know that telomerase activators do not cause cancer according to the most current study). There are two sets of supplements approaches that we can take to change the odds of not getting cancer to our benefit.

First, we can take supplements that potentially reset and repair epigenetic mutations. These include things like NMN, pterostilbene and possibly NAD. Caloric restriction and intermittent fasting are also proven activities to increase cell longevity and replacement.

Second, we can take supplements that keep the replication of the cells healthy and minimize the likelihood of genetic mutations. These supplements include mainly telomerase activators that are available in a supplement like TA-65 or possibly treated Cyclo-astragenol and Astragaloside IV (there are others, but these have proven most potent according to some researchers). Intermittent fasting and caloric restriction are shown to work to inhibit both epigenetic and genetic mutations.

Key Supplement Stacks / Supplements

Epigenetic Reset – SIRTuin

Telomere Lengthening Stack

NMN http://life7.ca/index.php/home/supplements/nmn-nicotinamide-mononucleotide/
NAD http://life7.ca/index.php/home/supplements/nad-nicotinamide-riboside/
Pterostilbene http://life7.ca/index.php/home/supplements/pterostilbene/
Cycloastragenol http://life7.ca/index.php/home/supplements/cycloastragenol/
Astragaloside IV http://life7.ca/index.php/home/supplements/astragaloside-iv

Intermittent Fasting / Caloric Restriction
HIT Exercise (Studies recommend HIT training over aerobics by pure effectiveness and ignoring other physical limitations). Other activities include mental exercise.