
This site describes how you can extend your youthful vitality while the years pass. If you think about aging as a disease with 100% mortality, this site discusses options that are available now, to treat this condition. It describes the supplements, the activities, and the approaches that can improve your health and extend your lifespan. Keep in mind though, that no one dies of “old age.” This disease, like many others, presents symptomatically as what many call the conditions of old age: arthritis, heart disease, dementia (e.g., Alzheimer’s), and many others.

Scientifically sound information is presented in everyday language to help empower your decisions about what you can do based on your specific circumstances and budget. We have made research links available to anyone that wants to dig deeper.

As part of an overall contribution, we are also building an ontology of aging to clarify the terminology used in this area across other websites and by different researchers. The language used in aging research often has various meanings depending on the context. An ontology of aging or radical life extension research is badly needed. While the ontology is a longer-term contribution to radical life extension, donations to support the creation of this ontology are most welcome. A significant portion of membership subscriptions will be used to finance this vital research when they are available.