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6 Garbage Inside Cells

Garbage inside cells or Intracellular Waste – accumulates in cells – especially those that are more permanent. Cells in places like the brain, heart and back of the eye are virtually permanent and the toxic accumulation of junk over time degrades their function.

What Happens

The accumulation of cellular damage, especially in cells that make up the heart, the back of the eye, the brain, and even aspects of our arterial system eventually contributes to those cells losing elasticity.  When the cell’s ultimate garbage disposal system starts malfunctioning, it eventually impairs the function of the cell as a whole. As more and more cells become dysfunctional over time, age-related disease sets in. These age-related diseases include atherosclerosis, neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, and Macular degeneration. A cell’s ability to digest and eliminate garbage declines with age, causing garbage inside the cells starts to become an issue.

Reference Link: http://www.sens.org/research/introduction-to-sens-research/intracellular-junk

What We Can Do

Aside from the use of the R-Alpha Lipoic acid, CoQ10 and Acetyl-l-carnitine to partially “burn” some of the waste products that accumulate in the cell, I have yet to find a significant treatment in this area.

Key Supplement Stacks / Supplements

Mitochondria Health – RCA Stack

The RCA stack provides limited intracellular garbage collection.

R-alpha Lipoic Acid   http://life7.ca/index.php/home/supplements/r-alpha-lipoic-acid/

Coenzyme Q10   http://life7.ca/index.php/home/supplements/coenzyme-q-10/

Acetyl-l-Carnitine  http://life7.ca/index.php/home/supplements/acetyl-l-carnitine/


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