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7 Garbage Between Cells

Garbage Between Cells or Extracellular Waste also accumulates over time between cells and in organs.  The most well known are amyloid deposits that are significant contributors to the formation of brain plaques, and Altheimer’s Disease, age-related type II diabetes and senile cardiac amyloidosis.  Cardiac amyloidosis is one of the most significant causes of death in people who live past 110 years.

What Happens

“The most well-known form of extracellular junk is beta-amyloid: the stifling, web-like material that forms plaques in the brains of patients with Alzheimer’s disease, and also (more slowly) in everyone else’s, and impairs cognitive function. There are also a variety of similar aggregates that form in other tissues during aging and contribute to age-related diseases, including islet amyloid in Type II diabetes and senile cardiac amyloidosis, which is a major contributor to heart failure. There is some evidence that senile cardiac amyloidosis may be the main cause of death in people who survive beyond age 110.” – SENS foundation

Reference Link: http://www.sens.org/research/introduction-to-sens-research/extracellular-junk

What We Can Do

Keeping the cellular mechanisms operating by enhancing existing disposal, possibly by activating the Sirtuins, is the main activity. Currently, we don’t have a lot here.

Key Supplement Stacks / Supplements

To be discovered. This area will benefit significantly from pharmaceutical research in the next five to ten years. Currently, there are amyloid vaccines under investigation with humans.

There is some evidence that curcumin helps to remove lipofuscin deposits (these deposits are potential causative factors in Alzheimer’s disease).
