2010: My Story Begins

This website contains my research into radical youth extension.

Before 2010, I made a lot of poor choices that left me sick and unhealthy. Through necessity, I then learned that the technology to radically extend my youth was here. My research into radical youth extension helped me to regain my health and youth. This website will share that research with you.

Below is a picture of how I looked when I started this program, circa 2011:

Here is a picture of me from 2017.  I have seen a dramatic improvement in my health. I am looking more fit and younger and so can you.

Poor Lifestyle
Like many others, the poor lifestyle choices I made culminated around 2010 in a severe chronic viral infection. In a few years, this virus and my poor lifestyle left me barely able to walk more than a few hundred feet. I was going down!
I never thought that the beer, pizza, and the sofa were sending me into a premature grave. The first medical attempt to cure my illness left me with retinal macular degeneration.  On top of everything, I was now looking forward to going partially blind by my fifties. I decided I wanted to live, and not just sit around alive but take life and be vibrant.

There was only one way I could get out. I decided to research how to be healthy and, if possible, reclaim the vibrancy of youth. The discoveries that I made are amazing. This quest for youth has improved my health, and I hope you will find this information helpful so that you can improve your health too. Like many of you, I had to do a lot of this on a budget and based on my limited means.  Radical life extension is not only possible, it’s here now.

What I Learned
I learned three important things: First, aging is the cause of the chronic diseases of old age. I was biologically old. It wasn’t important how I had got there, but I needed to find a way to regain my health. Second, there is a lot of research on how to get young. That knowledge is growing fast. In other words, researchers have made real progress on the quest to get healthier and more youthful. In theory, if we reverse aging, then we also reverse the effects of aging. This path has the potential to end the chronic diseases of old age (cancer, heart disease, arthritis, and others) forever. In my case, I wondered if I could reverse the retinal macular degeneration, obesity and other signs associated with advancing years. Third, conventional medicine had not adopted this research yet. As I went to my appointments, the medical professionals looked to me as a casualty.  When I shared my findings, they skeptically looked at me as being misinformed.

Interestingly, when I started to apply my research, and it started to work, the health professionals noticed the changes also. The retinal macular degeneration disappeared. I remember when my doctor did the final retinal scan and found the results amazing. It was gone! Next, my weight dropped, my health improved and I became more vibrant.  Life regained its meaning.

Now that the virus is gone, being healthy means so much more. A few weeks ago, I went walking through the forest… something I couldn’t have even contemplated a few years ago. Drastic situations require drastic action. The steps I took based on solid research have renewed my health.

Saved by SENS
Conventional medicine failed to bring me to youthful health by itself. My family doctor and specialist didn’t have all the information that I needed. I needed to take these advances and work to regain my health. Science was moving much quicker than I could ever have imagined. It was also moving faster than my doctors.

Early in my illness, I saw a video by Aubrey De Grey, the founder of the SENS (Science for Engineered Negligible Senescence) Foundation.  It made me wonder if the technology to keep youthful and reverse aging was within our grasp. I just needed to figure it out, and I started researching. One of my strengths is being able to go through vast amounts of information and process it. It’s not pretty, and we don’t all have the time to do that.

The reason I established this website, is to help others find out what I discovered. “That age reversal technology already exists and is growing by leaps and bounds.” Now Aubrey is about furthering research around the paradigm of the seven pathways. Eventually, this research will result in pharmaceutical interventions. Nevertheless, I think there are things that we can do now.  I have already done some of these things and I am biologically younger and healthier because of them.

Regain Youth
We are at a golden age where humans have the technology to reverse aging. Although still early, and these technologies will change and evolve. The trick is that we need to survive to the next generation of aging reversal interventions. While many of my friends ask me for advice, I decided to share this information with everyone.

I also want to ensure you are kept up to date as new advances come into place. Now to be certain, I think this information will only be useful until a more powerful set of research comes along. But this research will change the game in your favor today! I also encourage you to reach out to me. I am not a doctor, but I can share the research I have used.

Knowing what to do
I know there is a lot of nonsense and ridiculous material on the Internet that can be hard to sift through. At the same time, there are also real breakthroughs and advanced research.  Mainstream medicine will need time to adopt the findings from anti-aging research.

Several things that have improved my health and reversed my biological age. Science is progressing every day and this site will provide a summary of that latest information. We are working to categorize and present the research in plain English so that you can make informed decisions as new information comes available. Follow this site to find out about new advances and how to take advantage of them. I will also provide updates on our ontology project – a project that aims to capture the terminology of radical life extension used by the research community.

This website will share what I have found to help you make intelligent choices that will guide you to greater health and reverse your biological age. I will keep you up to date as the field of research advances. There is a lot that science and research can do if you let it.