Long Live Youth

We live in an exciting time where the ability to prolong youth will soon be widely available. The radical extension of youth is just over the horizon. Pharmaceutical companies are already working on commercializing radical life extension. As time progresses, more effective therapies will be available to the public. In the meantime, I would like to share some thoughts on what you can do to prevent losing your life prematurely. This blog will look at the sources of death, and what you can do to avoid them. By avoiding death and living longer, you will be able to take advantage of the future breakthroughs that are even more powerful than the ones discussed in this website.

No One Dies of Old Age

No one has died of old age – at least no one that I have known. We all die of either an accident or a disease of old age. With age the probability of getting a disease of old age increases.   While a cancer specialist looks for a cure for cancer, there is a strong possibility that the treatment lies in reversing aging itself! Everyone who lives long enough will eventually get one of the diseases of old age. This is about to change!  New therapies that turn back the clock to keep a person youthful and vibrant are here. While we have limited options now, the impact of future technologies will be dramatic.  Therefore, you may want to choose to improve your health so that you don’t die while you are waiting for the next life extension and youthful breakthrough.

To Live – Avoid Dying

Let us examine the different ways people die as they naturally age.

This chart, created by the Centre for Disease Control in the US, shows the causes of mortality by age group.
There are two things to observe:
1. Before the age of 45, the leading cause of death is an unintentional injury. If you want to live a long time, it probably makes sense to avoid getting in vehicle accidents or other unintentional injuries.
2. Between the ages of 35 to 44 and after the age of 45 we see that malignant neoplasms and heart disease become the leading causes of death. What this trend means is that as you come to this age, the consequences of getting older outranks the effects of unintentional injuries. While heart disease and other health consequences are still significant causes of death before 35 they jump after. To prevent these diseases, you want to stay young. Radical youth extension is about how you stay young, active and avoid the aging-induced causes of death.

If you were going to spend money to stay alive and youthful where do would you spend it? Are you buying insurance to give someone money when you die when in fact you could change the odds and be here for them?

Prolonged Youth – What it Means
“Are you putting your money in the right places to live say another twenty or thirty years.“  Since the leading causes of disease (malignant neoplasms and heart disease) are symptoms of aging, what are you doing to avoid them and remain youthful? I am not talking about adding another ten years sitting in an old folks’ home with tubes coming out of your body. I am talking about staying young – enjoy life and doing the things you enjoy.

The technology is literally within range. I believe it’s reasonable to see the first pharmaceuticals being released in the next few years. However, if you die from one of the above chronic illnesses, you won’t be here to enjoy the benefits of youth.

This video featuring David Sinclair (and narrated by Morgan Freeman) describes one supplement, NMN that has rejuvenated mice, and possibly in the future, people.  It is important to note that the price of NMN has dropped significantly.  What wasn’t affordable perhaps five years ago is now quite inexpensive.

NMN treatment rejuvenated the mouse and helped it become biologically younger!

What to Do

There are a lot of anti-aging technologies, and each one maintains an aspect of youth. There are a ton of information available.  Articles range from very technical to utter nonsense – like grapefruit juice will make you superman. Even worse, is the fact that the prices and value points on these items can be all over the place.

I hope that you do what I have done. Take the first steps to remain youthful. Change the odds around contracting a severe disease of aging and maintain your youth. This site provides essential information that can help you be youthful on a limited budget – biologically young and active. It also will give you ideas about how to prioritize your spending so that you can do this in a way that is affordable for you. In a future post, we will discuss why your family doctor doesn’t necessarily have the full story in this area and why you need to take personal responsibility.